Filming Blog: No Filming on a School Week
Well... back to no filming. This entire week we didn't film. On Monday, everyone was busy with homework. My grandparents also moved the furniture in the house because they were going to paint the tv room. So I helped them moved the couch and the other stuff that needed to be moved . On Tuesday, I was busy with homework. On Wednesday, I was out volunteering with my friends. Some days my friends and I volunteer at the University of Miami during their basketball games. After school my friend's dad picked me up from school and then picked up the rest of the group... including his daughter. We drove to Miami from Fort Lauderdale. When we got to the University my friends and I folding up pizza, popping popcorn, heating up the pizzas, and doing the pretzels. I was there from 4pm to 9pm. After working, my friend's dad dropped us off home. When I was home I worked on my homework until 2am. On Thursday, I was really busy. I edited the film a little bit. I obviously didn't finish. On Friday, it was the same deal.
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