Planning Blog: Title Design

The opening credits of my film will appear in a bold font that appears to be typed in different places around the screen. The size of the text will be pretty big so the audience can clearly see the credits. The color will be white with a black shadow/outline to give a little edge. Some credits, will appear to be embedded into the actual setting. For example, on the walls, on the objects in the scene, and buildings/houses.

  • Working Title: The title of the film is most likely to be "R3VENGE"
  • The working title will be bold faced with all caps: LIKE THIS. Also, the 3 will be 1-2 lager than the font and will be red: LIKE THIS
  • The titles will be faded into the screen and and disappear with a fade out.
  • The titles will disappear after 2-3 sentences.
  • Some of the titles may have different sizes. Like 2 sizes larger than the normal. The titles are the Name o the Studio, Name of Production Company, Produced/Executive Producer, and Directed By. These titles will also be bold faced.
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