Filming Blog: Welp... Couldn't Film
On March 6, my group talked about filming. I told them that I would most likely be able to start filming the scenes that include me only. Then my group agreed to film from that day until April 10th. This allows us to film for a little more than a month and to re-shot any scenes if we need to. When I went home I started to plan out my day to see if I was even able to film anything. I started doing homework and ate some food. I then decided it was best to film around around 5 or 6pm because the sun was still up but it wasn't as dark. Plus it could help towards my driving hours at night. However, there was two issues. The first issue is that my mom wasn't around and since I don't have driver's license, but a learner's permit. I have to drive with an adult in the passenger seat and usually my mom gets home around 7pm, but some nights she can come earlier. This leads up the second issue, my mom was at work with the car I wanted to use. My mom had a new but got a new one, and she uses the new one more and drives it to work. Could've used her old car, but there was some issues with car and we couldn't drive it like her new car. Which is part of the reason why I want to use her new car. So, I waited for my mom to come home hoping this was one of those nights where she comes home earlier than usual. While doing this I did more homework and watch a TV show. Eventually my mom came home but I saw that it dark outside so I couldn't film today. Hopefully I can try to film my part another day, but before spring break. This because I'm going on school trip during this break to Europe for 9 days, which is basically the whole spring break.
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