Filming Blog: Couldn't Film Again
Well, 3 days later (March 9th) and I wasn't able to film at all. My group has been talking about filming and different locations. We've been trying to find different areas rather than the famous Holiday Park, because we film there every time... well except for the music video. This time we have a new factor to take into consideration. This factor is Cailey, she is a new member for a task in my group. Cailey lives near Hollywood, so now I have to figure out a park that is between me, Chelsey, Cailey, and David. We also created a new group chat for her as well. We eventually started to talk about our availability or during the weekends. I told them, that weekend wouldn't work for me since I'm going on a school trip to travel around Europe's Mediterranean and some winter apparel I needed were at my grandparent's house on my dad's side. Especially because they live near Pembroke Pines, which is a good 30 minutes away from Fort Lauderdale. Now for the week, I was busy with homework. I had homework for AICE English Language, AICE European History, Chemistry Honors, AICE Media Studies, and Algebra 2. Some of these classes had easy work. That could not be said for chemistry and algebra 2. I had a chemistry project, on top of studying for a test that involved two chapters and homework for those two chapters. With algebra 2, I just didn't understand it that well, which then goes to me attending star tutoring every Tuesday and Wednesday, so those days weren't available for me. Also, that Thursday... I had a meeting for the school trip which was around the time my group wanted to film at. So that left Monday and Friday evening. Unfortunately, Monday was to soon my group to start filming since our parents like us to plan things like this in advance, especially because we don't live close to each other. Then on Friday the school was on lockdown because a number of fights during the change to 2nd and 3rd period. My dad also picked me up early that day to drive us to my grandparents that live near Pembroke Pines.
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