Title Research: The Invisible Man
The opening sequence of this movie is from The Invisible Man and I found it on artofthetitle.com
- In the movie "The Invisible Man" there are a lot of title displayed in the opening sequence. You have the name of the studio, name of production company, film title, name of actors, who edited the movie, the director of photography, who produced, written, and directed the movie.
- The images that are prioritized in the opening scene are the image of a spinning globe with the title universal, then a room with a chair mid-air, a demonic girl, a yellow dirt stained wall, a live scene of waves crashing against rocks on a coast at night, and a cliff with a house on top of it and the light being on.
- The connotations these images carry is eeriness and suspense. The dark scenery of the waves, and the demonic girl can make the audience feel scared or anxious before the movie even started.
- The film establishes a feeling of thriller from the outset by using certain scenes like the demonic girl, the waves crashing at night, and a chair mid-air. These scenes, again, can establish eeriness and suspense. Also, the production company can establish thriller (BlumHouse) which is known for creating a number of thriller movie that some people say are scary and maybe even traumatizing.
- After looking at the opening sequence of this movie, to me... there weren't any strategies present to make the film hit its target audience.
- Technology has been effectively used throughout this opening sequence using a pan, a zoom in, and a tilt. This movie also uses animation. The demonic girl, chair floating mid-air, and the room is all animation.
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