Title Research: The Black Phone
The opening sequence of this movie is from The Black Phone and I found it on artofthetitle.com
- In the movie "The Black Phone" there are a lot of title displayed in the opening sequence. You have the name of the studio, name of production company, the actor's names, film title, casting by, music by, the costume designer, who edited the movie, the production designer, the director of photography, who produced, written, and directed the movie.
- The images that are prioritized in the opening scene are the view of a black van approaching a kid on his bike, children running around the street playing, entering school and riding bikes, suspicious cars, blood, empty playgrounds and abandoned bikes. At the end many flyers of missing children are shown.
- The connotations these images carry is anxious and a dark feeling. The images are not happy/joyful at all.
- The film establishes a feeling of thriller from the outset by the black van pulling up to a kid riding his bike and at this moment the kid's face goes from a smile to worried/concerned. Little kids are shown applying a bandage over bruises implying that they have been hurt.
- After looking at the opening sequence of this movie, it uses fade outs to make the audience wonder what happened or what is going to happen to the kid on the bike.
- Technology has been effectively used throughout this opening sequence by using close ups, tracking shots, eye level shots, medium close up shots, and etc. This gives off the antagonist's motif and what or who he is targeting in the movie and creates suspense. The editing, clothing, setting, and the car give off a 90s vibe to the film.
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