Title Research: Art of the Titles Website

While researching titles, the website, artofthetitles.com came up on my search. This website has a wide range of title sequences from 1920 to 2023. This website shows range to titles from different genres and the artists who are behind them. An example of this would be the opening title sequence for the Guardians of the Galaxy and the artists who are behind it in a list. The website also a long list of designers, like Aaron Becker, Henry Chang, Jared Hess, Nathanial Park, Oscar Wright, and more. Also, featured Michael DeForge, who is a visual artist and comics creator who has won numerous Ignatz and Doug Wright Awards and is based in Toronto, Ontario. While looking through the different title sequences with my group, we noticed a pattern. This pattern was that every title had vivid color and images. Each title sequence had different shapes, colors, drawing, and animations. All these things were placed in different way/directions.


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