Genre Research: Thriller

  • Comedy is a genre of fiction that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by including laughter, especially in theater, film, stand-up comedy, television, radio, books, or any other entertainment medium. This genre incorporates high/low angles, and persistent close up shots which creates a closer relationship of the character to the audience. Many times in comedy, actors costumes may look exaggerated for comedic purposes. Fast-paced scene transitioning and goofy sounds may be added to further the comedic effect.
  • Suspense is the feeling of excitement or nervousness that you have while you are waiting for something to happen and uncertain about what it is going to be. Many pans, long shots, and slow paced scenes are often used to generate suspense. Actors look/dress regularly and will either be serious or scared. In suspenseful films, there will be slow scene slow transitions, dark ambiance, special effects, rapid or scary music, and often sharp noises to create fear.
  • Thriller is a genre of fiction with numerous, often overlapping, subgenres, including crime, horror, and detective fiction. They are characterized by the moods they elicit, giving their audience heightened feeling of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation, and anxiety. Thriller uses close-ups, panning shots, long and low shots to create suspense for the audience. The lighting, costumes, makeup, and setting help to contribute a character's personality to the audience and transform into new, believable, people on screen. Jump cuts. fast and slow pace transitions, action matching, shot reverse shot, and eye-line match to create tension, convey emotion. and represent characters.
  • After looking through all of these genres, examining the different factors that make up that genre. My group decided to go with Thriller. This is because we thought it was more exciting, more easy to make, and the audience would have more to look forward to.


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